Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween pieces

Halloween game pieces for our Sunday School class today (13-14 year-olds). The game: look up Halloween-themed terms in the scriptures (tomb, skull, moon, etc). It's a bit of a stretch but with this age group if you can break through the constant chattering to wedge even a sliver of spirituality into their heads for a week, you've succeeded.


Kristen said...

Sounds like an excellent idea for SS. I like the pictures :)

Kristen said...

Can you teach me how to do pictures like this?

Hillary said...

A gift like this cannot be taught. Or rather, a gift like this shouldn't be taught...

Andra said...

The moon threw me off. It was defenitely not as well portrayed as Sean Connery... maybe.

Anonymous said...

I must admit the moon through me off also. I labored under the delusion that it was a zombie brain for quite a few minutes until Daryl set me straight. He is much more artistic than I however.

Christian said...

Yes, I can teach all of you. Just open up MS paint. The free art program on your computer. Now think of a picture. Now close your eyes and draw it as fast as you can. Voila.