Friday, January 11, 2013


I can't believe it's taken me 5 years to do this but I've finally added an RSS subscribe button to the blog so if you'd like, you can subscribe to posts and/or comments via your favorite RSS reader or App (I prefer and recommend Google Reader for both). You can also subscribe via email if you'd like.

I've been getting enough page views lately that I thought I'd give it a shot and monetize the blog, so there are some sidebar ads and such. We'll try it out for a month and see what it does. If it generates like $.17 cents, I'll do away with them as I can do without the clutter. But $17 dollars? Sure, why not? That will buy at least 3 bags of Pico-Ballas, my all-time favorite candy on the planet, and of course they have to be imported from Germany because nothing good is ever available easily...

Shown here, for the uninitiated.

Other than that, feel free to share the blog with friends and family if you think this would be something they would dig. As you all know by now, I typically keep things fairly general on this blog and don't get into too much personal family stuff, so it's at least 50% likely to not be boring for everyone. 

Plus, not that I mind posting things for such a small audience, because I don't, but I really enjoy blog comments and a small audience means that usually doesn't happen. This blog is just a one-way conversation most of the time, but I'd love to get feedback or converse a little and get other perspectives and opinions. If you're a reader, you've already distinguished yourself as a person of taste and substance, so you're someone whose opinion I automatically respect. Given all that, feel free to chime in!


Hillary said...

People fear the comment box. I get an unusually high number of hits each month (I won't disclose how many because I'm modest) but only like two comments. My very own older brother doesn't even comment. Ahem.

Catlin said...

I've loved being able to keep in touch and see what you guys are doing on your blog. I also rarely comment, but always enjoy reading!!

Christian said...

I read your blog on Google Reader RSS feed so there is no access to commemrs on that. Plus you say everything so completely that there is nothing to add...