Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random Thoughts, 7/31/2013

  • Things I like about Miami:
    • I've never been remotely cold ever, and I have only sometimes been too warm.
    • The humidity in the summer is high but it's a lot more tolerable than I had been led to believe.
    • There are no mosquitos anywhere in the entire city that I can see. Unless they all show up from August 1st to September 25th and then immediately leave, the Miami mosquito reputation is completely unearned.
    • It's within driving distance of some really fun and interesting places. I've never had so many 'things to do' options in a city.
    • I so far have not tasted any good local restaurants with the sole exception of a small café here in Weston. But that restaurant is good, if pricey.
    • My job.
    • My boss.
    • The variety in my work weeks. I get to spend two days of the week up in our Pompano Beach office, and I love that.
    • The church here is strong. The Fort Lauderdale mission is the #1 baptizing mission in the US.
    • There is a temple being built less than 1 mile away from us. This is the closest I've ever lived to a temple since my brief time in the Temple Townhomes in St. George and the 'Real World' house I shared with some LDS roommates in Mesa less than 1 block away from the temple.
    • The winters, while I miss snow, are unmistakably mild and comfortable.
    • I saw a blimp here once.
    • Much of the city is very pretty.
    • They have a good zoo.
    • The Sev on the corner sometimes has the Trifecta, which is our family name for the best Slurpee combination ever: banana, pina colada, and cherry.
    • Our part of town, Weston, is very nice and is immaculately clean, groomed, safe, and landscaped.

1 comment:

Kevan said...

Sounds like the perfect place to live. Nothing at all like what I experienced when visiting Susan near Jacksonville a few years back....and surviving the Hurricane.