Saturday, April 28, 2012

Favorite hymns

1. Joseph Smith's First Prayer
2. For the Beauty of the Earth
3. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
4. Abide with me (tis eventide)
5. Hark all ye Nations

1. If I could Hie to Kolob
2. Praise to the Man
3. Battle Hymn of the Republic
4. Angels We Have Heard on High
5. Families Can Be Together Forever

Bonus: Behold a Royal Army, Carry On, True to the Faith (I'm a sucker for rousing choruses)


Hanny said...

I actually prefer the hymn, "If YOU could Hie to Kolob" but in all honesty I have not heard the hymn you mentioned. I personally love a rousing chorus myself!

Have I mentioned that I am happy you are blogging again?

Christian said...

It's a remix.

Hanny said...

That explains it.